The Love Story of a Perfect Wife!

They barely spent any time together. A couple of years; her in college and him, djing. 

The first time he saw her was from the DJ console. 
The first thought that went into his head was, 'Woah! Mallika Sherawat!'. When Inder introduced them, she said a vague 'Hey' and just turned around and started walking away, casually. The second thought was, 'Nice ass!'. And that's how he met the middle half of his name. :)

What followed was a good time. They used to barely meet. But they became very close friends very soon. Ira, a fine, sophisticated, proper Delhi girl, and chIRAg, a typical Bombay boy in a very offbeat profession.

The time they spent together... 

at Apache getting tipsy er, drunk!
at the coffee shop, "Kya madam..."
even just watching a movie in his garage/ home and chit-chatting at night. They created a bond that he knew would last forever. Even after she went back to Dilli and he was back in Bombay, they'd talk on the phone all night long. 

Some events in their times together could have a blog of their own. 
"The 'Paa liya hai' Kajrare night"
"Getting absolutely hammered on NYE"
"The hangover drive to Pune"

These are memories that are etched in their minds, forever!

Over the years, life drifted them apart. There had also been days, rather weeks, of not even a 'hello' on WhatsApp. There were also brief moments when they'd get on a video call that would last more than an eternity. Every time, that happened, he felt alive, he felt wanted. he felt loved. 

He always knew that he might not be the most important person in her life. But he was a small part of it. She, though, had left a permanent mark on his heart and body(literally). He saw her grow up into this woman of substance, aura, and power and was even there during times of absolute peril. She was there in the worst of his days too. She's put up with his antics way more than she should have. But ain't that what love is all about?

She had become his go-to person and she didn't even know she had. Or maybe she did, he didn't know.
Just like how an addict relies on their substance to survive, he found himself depending on her for his happiness and strength. Her presence in his life is not just a want, but a vital need. 

Chi knew that while Ira was the whole book of his life, Chi was just a chapter in hers. But, a very important chapter.

Fast forward to a few days back, she msgs him (again, after a brief period of absence). This time, with news that he knew she always deserved. She's tying the knot. She's going to be a wife. She's going to be THE wife. She's grown up even more. 

"Here's to the most beautiful soul in the world. Thank you for being a part of my life. Congratulations to you, THE PERFECT WIFE!"

Love you, Ira!

Chi (chIRAg)