All systems restart

Alright, so this was a first!

Priyanka and me meet frequently. We catch up during our early evening break before the hustle bustle of the evening crowd starts. She drives up to my brewery and we sit at the steps or drive to a peaceful location and smoke a heaven. This had become our every evening schedule. And we love it.

Low and behold, the time from Christmas to New Years becomes very busy for us and both of us were occupied with our work. NYE was just a msg to each other wishing a Happy New Year and that's it. So, it was imperative that we meet on the 1st of Jan and talk about the week.

Now, let's back track a little. My brewery gets pretty occupied during the festive season and since I was curating music for 3 outlets, on a Mac with a recently crashed HDD, I was on overdrive. I had to acquire all the music I'd need for the NYE night in a matter of 5 days. If you've ever lived the life of a DJ, you'd know how devastating it is to lose music in these times.

Anyhow, on the evening of the 1st, when I met P, I was sleep deprived for almost a week and had come to a point where I lost sleep all together. My body was working overtime and I did not realise it.

We were chilling in a cloud of smoke at the bike parking area outside the brewery. Talking about the last few days and how the NYE was a big hit for both our outlets. She is also into hospitality.

We always have a very good conversation and then it moves to big time laughter when we get high.

Suddenly, I saw a few guys picking me up. They were standing over me and there was Priyanka too. Confusing right? It was for me too. I didn't know any of these guys, just P. I was so confused and disoriented I didn't know what was happening. It took me a while to realise that I had blacked out. One moment, I was standing and the next moment I had a bunch of people picking me up and asking me if I was ok.

It would have been all of 2 mins between me blacking out and being up again. P got me some water as I sat on the pavement and crawled to the planters on the side and threw up, my head hurt. While I was feeling absolutely fine, my mind was feeling very tired and exhausted. And my head was hurting as I crashed head first on the ground.

I spent the night sleeping in the brewery office and woke up as a new born child. But the episode worried me. I msgd P letting her know that I was fine. I rode home, took a shower, changed and left to visit the doctor.

"You hadn't been sleeping for a week. Your body was exhausted. Simply put, your mind just switched off from all the overwork and you just fell asleep instantly. You need some rest and that is it."

That evening, I met P again and we couldn't stop laughing about it. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
